Yarnall Award Winners

Mr. D. Robert Yarnall received his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 1901. In 1908, he established his own company which, during his lifetime, was an industry leader in the design and production of devices and systems used in the transformation of energy largely related to steam. Mr. Yarnall was also known for his commitment to serving others and for his humanitarian efforts. He gave freely of his time and skill to professional societies, educational institutions, civic affairs, and to his Quaker faith.

In his honor, the D. Robert Yarnall Award is presented annually by the Engineering Alumni Society to a distinguished member of Penn Engineering’s alumni for outstanding contribution to their field, either in public service, private industry and/or education. The award is made possible though a generous gift from James B. Yarnall, son of D. Robert Yarnall.

The recipients, to date, have been:

2023   Jeff Horing ENG’86 WG’86 PAR’19
2022   Dawn Porter Eringis CHE’85, WG’89
2021   Jonathan Brassington, GEN’97 WF’08
2020   Lloyd Howell, ENG’88
2019   Ofer Nemirovsky, EE’79 W’79 PAR’21
2018   Eduardo D. Glandt, Ph.D. GCH’75, GR’77
2017   Andrew Seidel CHE’84 WG’90
2016   Patrick T. Harker, CE ’81, GCE ’81, GR ’83
2015   Paul Angello, EE’72
   David Magerman BSE’90
2013  John R. Casani EE’55, Hon’92 
   Richard D. Forman BSE ’87
Hital R Meswani ENG’90 W’90
2010   Katherine Crothall EE ’71
   Walter Korn EE ’57 GEE ’58
   Robert G. Gallager EE ’53
2007   Krishna P. Singh MSE ’69
2006   Jack Keil Wolf EE’56
2005   Thomas A. V. Cassel, ME’68, GME’73, GR’79
2004   Suzanne Bushinsky Rowland, CHE’83
2003   George H. Heilmeier, EE’58
2002   Bernard V. Vonderschmitt, GEE’56
2001   Oliver C. Boileau, Jr. EE’51, GEE’53
2000   Bernard S. Baker CHE’57, GCH’59
1999   Michael D. Zisman GEE’73, GR’77
1997   William K. Gemmill ME’73, GME’74, WG’78
1994   Juan J. Amodei GEE’61, GRE’68
1993   Robert K. Raisler ME’26
1992   Leon Riebman EE’43, GRE’51
1991   Harry R. Halloran, Jr. CE’61
1990   Joseph Bordogna EE’55, GRE’64
1989   Richard H. Gabel ME’32
1988   Paul E. Wright GME’60
1987   John P. Mulroney CHE’57, GCH’59
1986   Howard H. Sheppard EE’32, GEE’33
1985   Kenneth A. Roe GME ’46
1984   Nathaniel C. Wyeth ME’36
1983   Serge Gratch CHE’46
1982   Harry J. Woll GRE’53 (EE)
1981   Richard A. Mulford ME’52, GME’57
1980   Russell P. Heuer, Jr. CHE’55,GCH’57
1979   Alfred R. Golze’ CE’30
1978   Walter J. Kinderman ME’25
1977   Adolph O. Schaefer CHE’22
1976   S. Reid Warren, Jr. EE’28, GRE’37
1975   Raymond L. Smith GR’53 (MSE)
1974   Robert E. Derby ME’38,GME’49
1973   J. Presper Eckert, Jr. EE’41,GEE’43,HON’64
1972   Robert D. Bent CHE’35
1971   Carl C. Chambers GRE’34
1970   Houston R. Paxson EE’23
1969   Sarkes Tarzian EE’24, GEE’27, HON’74
1968   Francis G. Tatnall ME’18